Friday 29 November 2013

Movie Review: Sharknado

I first heard of Sharknado through a post on Weird Al Yankovic's Twitter and I said to myself "I have to see this movie." After re-tweeting Al's post, a friend of mine commented that this movie combines two things she is scared of: sharks and tornados. But isn't that the new trend in B-movies these days? Combining two things and making something "scary" out of it. It started with battles: the trailer for MegaShark vs. Giant Octopus was a huge hit on YouTube , this led to many more gigantic monster battles, not unlike what we saw in the golden age of Toho's Godzilla vs. Monster XYZ. However, when that well ran dry we started combining animals. Sharktopus (half shark, half octopus, all killer) was a ratings hit for the SyFy network and then came the storm seen 'round the world: SHARKNADO! Sharktopus may have been a freak of nature, but Sharknado is a FORCE of nature.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Movie Review: Thor the Conqueror

Italian filmmakers of the 1970's and '80's loved to rip-off Hollywood blockbusters. Look no further than when Dawn of the Dead came out and we saw a slew of poorly dubbed zombie movies. Some even credited as sequels to their American counterparts. Well, films like Conan the Barbarian and The Beastmaster were not safe from being exploited and this is how we get Thor the Conqueror (also credited as The Beastmaster 2). Move over Chris Hemsworth, Conrad Nichols is in town!

Sunday 3 November 2013

Movie Review: Hatchet

It's not a remake. It's not a sequel. It's not based on a Japanese one. This is what was on the cover of the DVD I picked up at my local Wal Mart when I saw this movie; available for a reasonable price ($5) and I HAD to pick this up. Now, I have heard of Hatchet but had never seen it, so on Halloween night me and the Mrs. decided to check this one out and what fun we had.