Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Movie Review: Arcade

Some movies have good concepts and not so good execution and when you can appreciate what the film makers are TRYING to accomplish, I think you can enjoy a "bad" movie. Full Moon Pictures' Arcade is a perfect example. Before David Goyer would go on to pen the script for Batman Begins, Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, he wrote a screenplay for a little B-movie about a possessed video game that would consume the souls of it's players. Now, in 1993, the technology seemed ridiculous, but fast forward to 2013, where video games are almost more real than realty and a lot kids are living in that realty. Arcade doesn't seem stupid at all, in fact, it is downright scary.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Movie Review: Atlantic Rim

I love a good mockbuster. For those that don't know, a mockbuster is a rip off movie that comes out, usually direct to video, around the same time as a big Hollywood blockbuster. It'll have a similar plot, same artwork on the box and a lot less money behind it. However, the idea (I guess) is to capitalize on people's craving for more of the same, even if it means a lesser quality of film. The Asylum film studio does this better than anyone, they have made several mockbusters over the years, titles like: Transmorphers, King of the Lost World, and I Am Omega have all graced SyFy Channel movie nights and DVD shelves at Wal Mart. They also seem to be good at it, as I have actually been more entertained by some of Asylum's offerings than their Hollywood counterparts. For example, I enjoyed their Cloverfield rip off Monster more than Cloverfield and their take on Hansel and Gretel was really good (the Hollywood version didn't even appeal to me in the slightest). So when I was scanning through my TV guide and saw that Atlantic Rim was playing on the Space Channel I immediately set my PVR to record.